Square TO Round 2.0 (STOR20) first created 18/06/06 - last modified 9/05/08 Page Author: Ty Harness
I've had many requests from users to include the ability to incline the circle,rectangle and produce quadrant corners.

Here's the latest development update on those features - Please note version 2 will be free to all full version users who purchased V1 on its own or part of a bundle. I expect STOR 2.0 beta to be available from June 2008 for registered members.

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Figure 1 - Inclined circle at any angle.

Having the ability to incline the circle greatly improves the design for an off-centre circlular connection. This looks more professional than having a full 90 degree segmental bend. You can lose 1 or 2 of the segments and a improve the look of (say) feed hopper. Sometimes it's more preferable to connect to a mitred CHS tube. Normally you would use the principle of common central sphere to determine the mitre angle but that can be very difficult to determine for anything other than a regular Square to Circle therefore STOR20 allows you to design a Square to Ellipse. Figure 2 shows how you can change the major and minor axes of the ellipse. The easiest mitre is 45 degree so that a pipe of diameter 100mm would have a major diameter of 100xroot(2)= 100x1.41 = 141mm and the minor diameter is simply 100mm. The offset in the x direction greatly improves the design and figure 2 shows how the x offset has been set to create a vertical side wall.

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Figure 2 - Square to inclined ellipse

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Figure 2a and 2d - Colin's Work at Cawmc Eng. using STOR20beta HOPPERS.pdf

A lot of people bought STOR 1 because of the ability to offset in both x and y directions but the square and circle were cut parallel Also, users required the circle to be square off the central axis. Figure 3 shows you need only specify the offset x,y and z and check Square Off central axis box to produce this very complex transformer.

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Figure 3 - Square to offset circle in both x and y directions with the circle square off the circle line.

A heavily requested feature by the 'roofing boys' is the inclined rectangle to circle transformer to suit a pitched roof.

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Figure 4 - Inclined square or rectangular base to circle

Also when you need a chimney at the apex of a roof.

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Figure 5 - Pitched roof apex to circle connection

Quadrant corners are essential for sheet material 3mm thick and up because you can not maintain the sharp corners in a press brake. It slips and slides and you don't obtain square corners therefore quadrant corners can make the job a lot easier. If you must have square corners then you may need to split and weld the corners.

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Figure 6 - Corner radii - Twice the gauge of the material is often allowed.

Sometimes you don't need quadrants on all sides so STOR20 allows you set each quadrant radius independently and even create semicircular ends as shown in figure 7.

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Figure 7- Using the corner radii to create semicircular ends.

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Figure 8 - An inclined circle used with 3 segment oblique bend

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